Feathers and Fur Falconry Centre Risk Assessment.

Edited 10th July 2023

By Sadie Shepherd

Potential Risks Steps Taken Risk Level
Scratch or Bite from Birds of Prey Safety talk and handling instructions given before birds are introduced. All participants to be seated throughout the session, unless instructed to do otherwise. Birds are supervised throughout session. Birds of Prey only handled with protective glove. No one is allowed to stroke the birds. Birds are removed if appear to be distressed or anxious which could result in a bite or scratch  Minimal
Contracting or Passing on Corona Virus Falconer to stay two meters away from the children during talk and demonstration. Whilst offering handling oportunity children will be asked to use hand gel on their hands before putting on the falconry glove and then once they have had a photo taken / held the bird they will then clean their hands again. Falconer will wear a face covering and face shield whilst sat close to the children.

If the falconer or school show any signs of Corona Virus before or after the session they must immediately inform the other party. In the case of before then the session will be cancelled to allow for quarantine and the session re arranged.

Risk of illness as a result of handling Birds of Prey via their food. 

Advice giving in safety talk against any contact with raw meat, including placing protective glove in mouth or near face. Alcohol hand gel available through session and administered to every participant at conclusion of session.  

Risk of damage to clothing / carpet from faeces and / or urine 

Participant recommended prior to session in terms and conditions, to wear old clothing or school / group leaders to provide towel to cover children’s clothes when handling. Handler to keep supply of clean up tissues to hand. Birds are not to be placed above participants. 

Organisers are made aware prior to the visit the need for a non carpeted area due to bird faeces damaging and staining carpet.  

Allergies to feather dust 

Parents of participants and participants to be made aware of birds use and treat as they see fit with antihistamine.  Participants to be identified and avoided prior to session commencing. 

Children on site unsupervised

Children must be supervised at all times by parents or staff. All staff attending off site sessions must hold an enhanced DBS and be registered on the update service.

Bio Hazards and general hazards for birds

Issues such as Bird Flu can be very serious. If the location has chickens or ducks then we ask not to be placed near them, nor should anyone handling birds of prey handle them if they have handled the poultry prior to our visit. If APHA issue a red warning for Bird Flu then our visit will be cancelled and rearranged at a later date.

Air fresheners will be asked to be removed from the area as these can cause serious harm to the birds.

Damage to property from Birds of Prey Potential risk of damage from birds landing on displays, pictures, curtains etc. Room is assessed on entry by falconer and if deemed unsuitable for flying in then we will attach a creance line to limit flight area or not fly the bird at all.  Minimal