Harris Hawk – Sam
D.O.B: 1st June 2006
Personality: stubborn and scatty
Likes: Sadie
Dislikes: change

Harris Hawk – Echo
D.O.B: 29th May 2010
Personality: dependable and a bit of a show off
Likes: hunting, big flights and playing with toys
Dislikes: people going near his food and dogs

Harris Hawk – Milo
D.O.B: 9th April 2016
Personality: cheeky and lovable
Likes: sitting on peoples heads and stealing the brush when you're cleaning!
Dislikes: anything with wheels

Harris Hawk – Rossi
D.O.B: 11th April 2018
Personality: chatty and nosy
Likes: learning new things and flying fast
Dislikes: having her (very tickly) feet cleaned

Common Buzzard – Mouse
D.O.B: 28th June 2011
Personality: a bit of a nervous nelly
Likes: chatting to people and chewing his tracker
Dislikes: other Buzzards!

Sparrowhawk – Lucy
D.O.B: 12th June 2016
Personality: intense!
Likes: eating anything with feathers and making a mess
Dislikes: rabbit and people being too disruptive

Kestrel – Bourneville
D.O.B: 2nd May 2011
Personality: brave and tenacious
Likes: flirting with other Kestrels and eating everything
Dislikes: hats and the local male kestrel coming too near his field!

Kestrel – Nala
D.O.B: 21st May 2019
Personality: noisy and charismatic
Likes: shouting for food and learning new things
Dislikes: people not paying her attention!

Peregrine Falcon – Acer
D.O.B: 17th June 2004
Personality: steady and cheeky
Likes: eating quail, sitting in his oak tree and showing off!
Dislikes: having his beak coped (trimmed)

Peregrine X Lanner Falcon – Arya
D.O.B: 20th June 2015
Personality: loud and outgoing
Likes: long, high flights and eating
Dislikes: Red Kites and falconry hoods

Little Owls – Pip & Squeak
D.O.B: 14th and 12th May 2015
Personalities: feisty yet adorable!
Likes: their nest box and eating mealworms
Dislikes: being stroked (they are only tiny!)

Indian Eagle Owl – Charlie
D.O.B: 4th April 2011
Personality: nosy and likes things her own way
Likes: hiding food in her plant pot
Dislikes: Olivia!

European Eagle Owl – Norman
D.O.B: June 2013
Personality: gentle giant
Likes: rats and chatting to everyone
Dislikes: dogs

European Eagle Owl – Billie Jean
D.O.B: 6th April 1994
Personality: Queen!
Likes: flying over peoples heads
Dislikes: ducks!

Snowy Owl – Gimli
D.O.B: 19th June 2018
Personality: loveable scatterbrain!
Likes: waddling along the floor and eating!
Dislikes: Running horses and snow!

Barn Owl – Bert
D.O.B: 12th July 2013
Personality: strong-willed and lovely
Likes: jumping in the bucket when you are trying to clean his aviary
Dislikes: cars and chicken feet

Barn Owl – Bailey
D.O.B: 5th July 2015
Personality: affectionate and flirty (with humans!)
Likes: Olivia!
Dislikes: cars, beef and loud noises

Dark-breasted Barn Owl – Dobby
D.O.B: 3rd June 2019
Personality: extremely inquisitive and sweet
Likes: everyone and everything
Dislikes: loud noises and being ignored

Tawny Owl – Ash
D.O.B: 11th May 2010
Personality: so laid back he's horizontal
Likes: sitting in his Ash tree and flirting with the local Tawnies
Dislikes: anything that requires effort

Long-eared Owl – Amos
D.O.B: 8th May 2018
Personality: beautiful fusspot!
Likes: pretending to be a branch and having his photo taken
Dislikes: having his feet touched!

Beth the Labrador
D.O.B: 20th February 2012
Personality: loyal and sweet
Likes: eating anything, bum scratches, sleeping and rubbing her face on your leg
Dislikes: Tilly kicking her out of bed and fireworks!

Tilly the Weimaraner X Cocker Spaniel
D.O.B: 8th April 2018
Personality: crazy and super cuddly!
Likes: big cuddles, digging, running at full speed and sticking her cold nose on the back of your neck
Dislikes: the cold and the rain