So we are over half way through the year and some how the months have slipped away in a blur of baby owls, kestrels, building and painting. If you haven’t been up to visit us for a while then you will be in for a surprise! We have completely transformed the knowledge nest into 4 new massive aviaries for our Harris Hawk team and a new European Eagle Owl called Norman!!! LOVE HIS NAME!
We then refurbished the aviaries along Hawk Lane to make way for a new Sparrowhawk aviary, a new Kestrel aviary and two new night time mews for the falcons. All in all the build took about 12 weeks from start to finish, and its was all the final finishing touches that take the time. Waiting on astro turf as you are two mats too few or heading out to the woods in the afternoon to find just that perfect branch for a hawk to sit on, along with painting, painting and more painting!!!!
Our new editions to the Feathers and Fur Team this year include a Dark Breasted Barn Owl called Dobby, a male European Eagle Owl called Norman and a female Kestrel called Nala. Norman is currently moulting and adjusting to his new home and flying training for him will start in a few months, but both Nala and Dobby have already joined the flying team, although Nala is yet to fly free as we have had to invest in a smaller radio tracker for her! Both are part of the half day sessions and family falconry experiences.
The team have been very very busy this summer holidays and I almost feel it may have been our busiest summer ever especially with people simply visiting the centre, so we have been working hard on the plants and information boards. The garden centre we are based on has seen a nice rise in people which after a few years of quiet is a lovely turn around. Supporting small local businesses is so so important and we thank everyone who takes the time to come and do a session or simply pops a few pennies in our donation pot.
- Dobby the baby Dark Breasted Barn Owl
- Norman the European Eagle Owl
- Nala the female Kestrel